Servicii sociale despre si pentru sanatate mintala

Proiect finanţat prin granturile SEE 2009 – 2014, în cadrul Fondului ONG în România
Operator de program
Pentru informaţii oficiale despre granturile SEE şi norvegiene accesaţi
Titlul proiectului: Servicii sociale despre si pentru sanatate mintala


Fundatia Estuar, in parteneriat cu Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala Si Protectia Copilului Sector 6, desfasoara proiectul “Servicii sociale despre si pentru sanatate mintala” pe o perioada de 24 de luni si are ca obiectiv general cresterea accesului si furnizarea de servicii sociale - de baza si specializate pentru grupurile vulnerabile formate din persoane cu probleme de sanatate mintala si familiile lor.

Finantator: Fondul ONG in Romania
Perioada de finantare: 24 luni (1 aprilie 2014 – 31 martie 2016)
Buget: 276,650.89 €, din care:

  • finantare nerambursabila: 248,957.74 €
  • cofinantare: 27,693.15 €

Aplicant: Fundatia Estuar
Parteneri in proiect: Directia de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului Sector 6

Obiectivele specifice ale proiectului sunt urmatoarele:
Obiectivul specific 1: Dezvoltarea si oferirea serviciilor sociale de specialiate pentru 470 adulti cu probleme de sanatate mintala prin 2 instrumente inovatoare: centru comunitar de tip „clubhouse” si centrul national de consiliere fata-in-fata, telefonica si on-line (in Bucuresti, Cuj-Napoca, Giurgiu si Ploiesti)

Obiectivul Specific 2: Dezvoltarea  de servicii sociale de sprijin  si preventie pentru consolidarea Fundatiei Estuar ca furnizor de servicii sociale integrate. Aceste servicii se adreseaza apartinatorilor persoanelor cu probleme de sanatate mintala si constau in consiliere privind managementul recaderilor si managementul stresului. Pe de alta parte pentru persoanele cu probleme de sanatate mintala internate in spitalele de psihiatrie se vor dezvolta grupuri de informare si suport.

Obiectivul de dezvoltare organizationala: Intarirea capacitatii de dezvoltare organizationala prin dezvoltarea si implementarea unui sistem intern de management al calitatii.

Grupuri tinta:

  • Persoane adulte cu probleme de sanatate mintala: 670 beneficiari, din care 200 beneficiari in centrele de zi, 70 in centrul de tip clubhouse si 200 consiliati telefonic/on line, 200 de pacienti aflati in spitalele de psihiatrie
  • Familiile persoanelor cu probleme de sanatate mintala: 150 apartinatori
  • Specialisti in domeniul asistentei sociale, psihologiei, medicinei: 100 specialisti

Activitatile desfasurate:

  • Infiintarea unui centru pilot de tip „Clubhouse” in Bucuresti. Este un concept inovativ al unui centru de zi dedicat exclusiv adultilor cu probleme de sanatate mintala si bazat pe integrarea in comunitate si pe dezvoltarea abilitatilor de viata, excluzand serviciile de tipul terapiilor in favoarea dezvoltarii de abilitati de viata independenta.
  • Dezvoltarea centrului de tip „Clubhouse”.
  • Derularea activitatilor zilnice
  • Activitati de receptie, bucatarie si serviciu administrativ pentru membrii clubului (persoane cu probleme de sanatate mintala). Programul de seara, weekend si sarbatori
  • Suport si informare in accesarea serviciilor comunitare si educative
  • Intalniri de echipa
  • Dezvoltarea unui afaceri sociale in cadrul clubului sub forma unei ceainarii pentru comunitatea locala
  • Oferirea de servicii nationale de consiliere psihologica, sociala, psihiatrica, prin intermediul unui numar de telefon si  e-mail. Serviciul national de consiliere psihologica va fi realizat prin infiintarea unor centre de consiliere si informare telefonica si on line in Bucuresti, Ploiesti, Giurgiu, Cluj, pentru persoanele cu probleme de sanatate mintala si apartinatorii acestora.
  • Desfasurarea de activitati de instruire si consiliere privind managementul recaderilor si managementul stresului. Activitatea se adreseaza atat apartinatorilor persoanelor cu probleme de sanatate mintala, (dupa caz, insotitorii acestora) cat si profesionistilor din domeniul sanatatii mintale (institutii, centre rezidentiale etc).
  • Organizarea de grupuri de informare si suport pentru persoanele adulte cu probleme de sanatate mintala, internate in spitalele de psihiatrie, urmarindu-se informarea acestora cu privire la drepturile si resursele pe care le pot accesa, oferirea unor activitati structurate de autocunoastere si cresterea compliantei la tratament si a capacitatii de gestionare a simptomelor bolii.
  • Activitati de transfer de expertiza de management de caz - de la DGASPC 6 la Estuar.
  • Auditarea managementului organizatiei de catre o echipa independenta de experti in dezvoltare organizationala.
  • Implementarea unui sistem intern de management al calitatii.
  • Evaluarea proiectului.
  • Promovarea proiectului – actiuni construite sa creasca vizibilitatea proiectului, rezultatelor, dar si vizibilitatea organizatiei si a  partenerului.
  • Managementul proiectului.




Estuar Foundation, in partnership with the General Direction of Social Assistance and Child Protection District 6, is implementing the project “Social services about and for mental health” for a span of 24 months, its general objective being that of increasing access to social services and providing both basic and specialized social services to vulnerable groups of people with mental health problems and to their families.   

Financer: NGO Fund in Romania
Financing period: 24 months (April 1st 2014 – March 31st  2016)
Budget: 276,650.89 €, out of which:

  • Non-reimbursed financing: 248,957.74 €
  • Co-financing: 27,693.15 €

Applicant: Estuar Foundation
Project partners: General Direction of Social Assistance and Child Protection District 6 (GDSACP 6)

The specific objectives of the project are as follows:
Specific objective no.1: Developing and offering specialized social services for 470 adults with mental health problems through two innovating instruments:  a „clubhouse” community center and a face-to-face, telephonic and online counseling national center (in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Giurgiu and Ploiesti).

Specific objective no.2: Developing social services of support and prevention in order to strengthen Estuar Foundation as supplier of integrated social services. These services address to the families of people with mental health problems and reside in counseling for relapse and stress management. On the other hand, support and informative groups will be held for people with mental health problems who are hospitalized in psychiatric hospitals.    
Organizational development objectives: Strengthening the ability of organizational development by creating and implementing an internal system of quality management.  

Target groups:

  • Adult persons with mental health problems: 670 users, out of which 200 users within the day centers, 70 users within the clubhouse center and 200 users of telephonic/online counseling, 200 patients of psychiatric hospitals.
  • Families of people with mental health problems: 150 family members
  • Professionals in social assistance, psychology, medicine: 100 professionals


  • Establishing a pilot „Clubhouse” center in Bucharest. The Clubhouse center is initially an American model, which was first set up in New York in 1948, under the name of Fountain House, through the initiative of a group of people with psychiatric history. It is an innovative concept of a day center which is exclusively dedicated to adults with mental health problems and based on community integration and development of life skills, while ruling out therapeutic services in favor of growing independent life skills. 
  • Developing a „Clubhouse” center.
  • Daily activities held according to international ICCD standards
  • Activities of reception, kitchen and administrative services for club members (people with mental health problems). Evening, weekend and holiday programs
  • Offering support and information in accessing community and educational services
  • Team meetings
  • Developing a social business within the club – a teahouse for the local community
  • Offering national services of psychological, social, and psychiatric counseling via a phone number and e-mail. The national service of psychological counseling will be realized by setting up centers of telephonic and online counseling in Bucharest, Ploiesti, Giurgiu, Cluj, for people with mental health problems and their families. 
  • Holding instructive and counseling activities regarding relapse management and stress management. The activity is aimed not only at families of people with mental health problems, (or personal carers), but also at professionals from the field of mental health (institutions, residential centers, etc).
  • Organizing informative and support groups for adult people with mental health problems, hospitalized in psychiatric units, the aim being that of informing them about their rights and resources they can have access to, offering them structured activities of self-knowledge and increasing their compliance to treatment and their ability to manage the symptoms of their illness.    
  • Activities of transfer of expertise in case management – from GDSACP 6 to Estuar.
  • Auditing the management of the organization by an independent team of experts in organizational development.
  • Implementing an internal system of quality management.
  • Project assessment.
  • Promoting the project – actions meant to increase visibility of the project and its results, and also the visibility of the organization and its partner. 
  • Project management.

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